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Metals costs reports
Wakayama steel plant
Nippon Steel's Wakayama plant is based in Wakayama prefecture. The plant was part of Sumitomo Metals Industries before the company's merger with Ni...
Warrego Tailings (Closed) gold mine
The treatment plant was constructed to process tailings from the Warrego copper-gold mine, which ceased operation in 1989 on depletion of reserves....
Winkelhaak (to end-1996) (Closed) gold mine
In July 1996 Gencor announced plans for the merger of Kinross, Winkelhaak, Leslie and Bracken to form a new operating unit called Evander Gold Mine...
Wolverine (Closed) zinc mine
Wolverine was an underground mine owned and operated by Yukon Zinc. The mine closed in January 2015 due to low commodity prices. The closure was pl...
Woodlark gold mine project
The Woodlark Gold Project is located on Woodlark Island, which is 613km away from Port Moresby and is commonly accessed by ports. The construction ...
Wusheng alumina refinery
Wusheng in Pinglu County started production in 2007. It has a nameplate capacity of 300ktpa and is in the second lowest quartile of our cost curve ...
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