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Metals costs reports
Timok copper mine project
This analysis considers the Timok Upper Zone (Cukaru Peki) deposit, located within the Timok Magmatic Complex of eastern Serbia. Zijin Mining acqui...
Stilfontein (Closed) gold mine
Underground mining ceased in January 1992 due to depletion of reserves. The mill continued to operate until May 1996, processing surface rock dumps...
Stock (including Hislop & Taylor) (Closed) gold mine
The operation closed in 2000. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from the bottom up, incorporating a number of granular data metrics to ultim...
Shenyang zinc smelter
The Shenyang Smelter Corporation was principally a refined lead and copper producer, with a small zinc smelter, capacity 20kt/a, zinc produced from...
Shituru SxEw copper mine
In May 2012 it was reported that the Katangan minister of mines had banned the export of any production from Shituru until further notice following...
Shouxin Tailings zinc mine
Minera Shouxin Peru S.A. plans to develop the Shouxin iron ore tailings project, treating Shougang's Cu and Zn tailings in a 6.8Mt/a capacity plant...
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