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Metals costs reports
Wakayama steel plant
Nippon Steel's Wakayama plant is based in Wakayama prefecture. The plant was part of Sumitomo Metals Industries before the company's merger with Ni...
Warrego Tailings (Closed) gold mine
The treatment plant was constructed to process tailings from the Warrego copper-gold mine, which ceased operation in 1989 on depletion of reserves....
Three Mile Hill (Closed) gold mine
In 1995 Coolgardie Gold reached an agreement with Herald Resources, whereby a 50:50 joint venture was formed to operate the Bayleys-Lindsays, Tinda...
Tintaya Minesite (Closed) gold mine
Before closing in 2012, Tintaya was operating a 20kt/d ore concentrator supported by an open pit. It also operated a 34kt/a cathode SxEw plant unti...
Tongling (Jinchang) (closed) copper refinery
Jinchang smelter/refinery which was formerly named the Tongling No.2 smelter is a subsidiary of Tongling Tongdu Tongye Stock Co., Ltd. and was cons...
Tongsheng zinc smelter
The Tongsheng zinc smelter in Turpan in Xinjiang, China uses pressure leaching technology and was commissioned in 2013. With Phase I of project com...
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