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Propylene long-term service enhancements
We have made some significant enhancements to the recently published Propylene global supply demand analytics service – October 2020. This includes...
WoodMac's Asset Tool helps you understand the increasingly complex and fast-moving EO/EG markets
2021 and we’re off to a dynamic start across the global EO/MEG markets. It’s already a series of ‘wow’ moments. The industry is taking a series of ...
Sustainability: an overview of brand owner attitudes and activities
This multi-client report looks as how brand owners have become interested in using recycled materials to reduce their companies' carbon footprints....
The European PTA market: Five key facts on pricing dynamics
• Significant spikes in energy and other production costs in Europe (such as acetic acid) negatively impacted PTA producers’ margins during 2021. •...
The new coronavirus in China and its impact on the polyester chain
China is now in distress as it battles the highly contagious new coronavirus originating from Wuhan of Hubei province, which had effectively morphe...
The second wave of global PDH expansion is underway
Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) deployment has evolved from a relatively niche technology to a significant disruptor of global propylene supply. The ...
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