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Webinar: is regionalisation the path forward for PX and PTA markets?
From the lockdowns in China to rising inflation and energy costs in Europe, crude prices volatility, and high ocean freight rates… All of these fac...
EPL June 2018: 5 Key Aromatics Discussion Points
PCI Wood Mackenzie was delighted to participate in the June EPL (European Petrochemical Luncheon) earlier this month, held in Bratislava, Solvakia ...
Ethylene Oxide and Glycol Monthly Report
Asian spot ethylene prices firmed in August due to turnarounds, good demand and higher feed costs. US spot ethylene rose due to unplanned outages. ...
Coronavirus and polymers - highlight on PET resin
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
Coronavirus and polymers - update on flexible packaging markets
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
Paper vs plastic: breaking down the debate in flexible packaging sustainability
Like many other major plastics applications, plastics use in flexible packaging has come under deep scrutiny in recent years as sustainability conc...
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