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Three weeks post-Harvey, is the North American polyethylene industry back to normal?
This insight provides a quick snapshot of impact of Hurricane Harvey on the regional polyethylene industry structure. Summary of all the components...
TOTAL announces third olefins project in as many months
Total's announcement around plans for a new world-scale propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant in Algeria, follows closely from announcements around n...
US deep freeze - outages in the polyester chain
The polar vortex on the US Gulf Coast is hitting the petrochemical industry hard. The region is home to 10% of world MEG capacity and 45% of US par...
The coronavirus and China's polyesters: an update
In January 2020, we discussed how the polyester industry in China has come under pressure due to the spread of the coronavirus in the country. Betw...
Tracking the Value of Refinery-Petrochemical Integration
Integrated refining-petrochemical sites represent a growing fraction of global capacity, including many of the most competitive assets in the world...
Webinar: Global olefins: analyzing the current investment cycle and path to 2050 for the global olefins industry
A structural landscape shift is unfolding in the global olefins market as the resilience and support observed through coronavirus, transition more ...
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