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Chemicals reports
US deep freeze - outages in the polyester chain
The polar vortex on the US Gulf Coast is hitting the petrochemical industry hard. The region is home to 10% of world MEG capacity and 45% of US par...
TOTAL announces third olefins project in as many months
Total's announcement around plans for a new world-scale propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant in Algeria, follows closely from announcements around n...
Tracking the Value of Refinery-Petrochemical Integration
Integrated refining-petrochemical sites represent a growing fraction of global capacity, including many of the most competitive assets in the world...
Coronavirus and polymers - introducing a new weekly update
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
Global styrene long-term outlook H1 2016
Having endured a painful period of demand retrenchment and right-sizing, the global styrene industry has recently enjoyed improved operating rates ...
Coronavirus and polymers - are fibre markets spinning out?
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
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