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Yemen LNG - Commercial Overview
The Yemen LNG project in Yemen is a 2-train LNG development operated by Yemen LNG. The Yemen LNG commercial overview outlines the project developme...
LNG short-term outlook: January 2024
January prices continue to slide as European inventories remain above the 5-year average for this time of year. Cold snaps have been largely unsucc...
Global Short-term LNG Supply Tracker (Q2 2024)
Feedgas at Freeport is back to pre-outage levels with all three trains back online. However, the market faced several disruptions this month. Malay...
Dahej - LNG regas terminal
The Dahej terminal is owned and operated by Petronet LNG Limited, a corporation set up by the government to import LNG and develop regas capacity i...
Masela (Abadi LNG) - Commercial Overview
The Masela PSC contains the giant Abadi gas field located in the Timor Sea. INPEX discovered the field in 2000 and will be its operator, with a 65%...
Kochi - LNG regas terminal
The Kochi regas terminal is owned and operated by Petronet LNG Limited, a corporation set up by the government to import LNG and develop regas capa...
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