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LNG reports
Ratnagiri (Dabhol) - LNG regas terminal
Enron pioneered the Dabhol terminal as India's first integrated LNG and power project. The first phase of the power project was completed by Enron ...
Caofeidian - LNG regas terminal
The Caofeidian LNG project, located at the Caofeidian port in Tangshan, Hebei province, is PetroChina's third terminal commissioned after Rudong an...
Fujian - LNG regas terminal
The Fujian LNG facility is owned by CNOOC (60%) and Fujian Investment and Development (40%). The inaugural shipment was delivered from Egypt's Idku...
North West Shelf - commercial overview
The North West Shelf LNG project in the North Carnarvon Basin (Western Australia) is a 5 train LNG development operated by Woodside Petroleum. The ...
GoFLNG - Cameroon GoFLNG Commercial Overview
The Cameroon GoFLNG project in Cameroon is 1 -train LNG development operated by Golar LNG. The Cameroon GoFLNG commercial overview outlines the pro...
GoFLNG - Cameroon GoFLNG Plant
The Cameroon GoFLNG project in Cameroon is 1 -train LNG development operated by Golar LNG. The LNG plant analysis outlines the key project metrics,...
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