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Rudong - LNG regas terminal
The Rudong LNG facility is located on reclaimed land within the Yangkou Port area in Jiangsu province. The first commissioning cargo came from Qata...
LNG price reviews: what is the new benchmark?
Recent price reviews have set a new benchmark. LNG contracts which were initially signed in the mid-to-high 14%s moved down to the low-to-mid 13%s....
Hazira - LNG regas terminal
As the initial promoter, Shell started constructing the Hazira regas terminal, India's first privately owned LNG terminal, in August 2001. This ter...
Jaigarh- LNG regas Terminal
H-Energy, a subsidiary of the Hiranandani Group conglomerate, is developing a tolling regas terminal in Jaigarh, Maharashtra. The company is settin...
Pluto LNG Expansion - Commercial Overview
In January 2018, Woodside announced its intention to expand the Pluto LNG plant and build a second train of between 3 - 4 mmtpa. Subsequently the c...
Panigaglia - LNG regas terminal
The Panigaglia terminal is operated by GNL Italia, a 100% owned subsidiary of Snam Rete Gas. It was built in 1969 and was closed for upgrades betwe...
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