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Price reviews in the Japanese LNG market
This analysis combines custom price regression analysis with market intelligence to understand the outcomes of price renegotiations. The regression...
Will South Korea's booming 2017 LNG imports last?
South Korea customs has reported that 3.4 million tonnes of LNG was imported In June 2017. A seasonal record for the month and more than 40% higher...
Sungai Udang - LNG regas terminal
The 3.8 mmtpa Sungai Udang regasification terminal is in Melaka. It consists of a moored jetty regasification unit with two converted LNG ships, Te...
The end of the LNG destination clause?
On 28th July, Japan's Free Trade Commission said that clauses in some LNG contracts that prevent resale of LNG are likely to be anti-competitive. A...
The new balance: long term implications of Asia gas and LNG
Oversupply in the LNG market will not last forever as Asian gas demand continues to grow strongly. But the development of new LNG supply is being c...
Nigeria LNG (NLNG) - Overall Project Summary
Nigeria LNG (NLNG) is a non-integrated LNG supply project with a current total capacity of 22 mmtpa. NLNG 7 - sanctioned in December 2019 - will ad...
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