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LNG reports
Nigeria LNG (NLNG) - NLNG Base Commercial Overview
NLNG Base consists of two LNG trains operated by Nigeria LNG, a joint venture between NNPC, Shell, Total and Eni. It was the first LNG project in N...
Atlantic LNG - Train 4
The ALNG Train 4 project in Trinidad and Tobago is a 1-train LNG development operated by Atlantic LNG. The ALNG Train 4 commercial overview outline...
Obskiy LNG - Commercial Overview
Obskiy LNG was a subsidiary of NOVATEK with two fields in Yamal-Nenets - West Seyakhinskoye and Verkhnetiuteiskoye. Both are less than 100 kilometr...
ADNOC LNG (ADGAS) - Commercial Overview
The ADNOC LNG project in United Arab Emirates is a 3-train LNG development operated by ADNOC LNG. The ADNOC LNG commercial overview outlines the pr...
Q3 North America LNG projects update: US FIDs in 2019 surpass 30 mmtpa
Three US projects have been sanctioned this year: Golden Pass, Sabine Pass Train 6 and, the latest, announced in August, Venture Global’s Calcasieu...
Futtsu - LNG regas terminal
The Futtsu LNG terminal in Chiba, Japan, is an operational facility owned and operated by Jera. In terms of nominal capacity, this is the second-la...
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