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Metals costs reports
Chambishi (NFC) copper smelter
The smelter is located in Chambishi and it uses the ISASMELTTM technology. The capacity is 800kt/a conc (270kt/a copper) and the sulphur collection...
Chifeng Yunnan copper refinery
Chifeng Yunnan Copper refinery is a replacement for the old Chifeng Jinfeng copper refinery. The refinery was relocated to the Copper Industry Park...
Hamburg copper refinery
The refinery is located at Hamburg and has excellent road, rail and sea links. It treats anodes from the adjacent Aurubis Hamburg East smelter and ...
Hamburg copper smelter
The company that was Norddeutsche Affinerie has been involved in metallurgical processing in Hamburg since around 1780. A completely new flash furn...
Heding copper refinery
Heding copper smelter and refinery was started in December 2010 and the refinery was commissioned in June 2014 with a nameplate capacity of 135 ktp...
Henan Yuguang copper smelter
Henan Yuguang copper smelter, which is also known as Yuchuan Smelter, is located in Jiyuan, Henan Province China. The smelter was commissioned in 2...
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