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Metals costs reports
Baotou Huading copper smelter
Baotou Huading smelter is operated by Baotou Huading Copper Industry Development Co., Ltd, which is located southeast of Baotou City, Inner Mongoli...
Chuquicamata copper refinery
Located at Chuquicamata, near Calama in northern Chile the refinery has good road and rail links. The capacity of the refinery is 760kt/a of anodes...
Silvassa copper refinery
Sterlite Industries constructed an ISA process refinery at Silvassa in Dadra & Nagar Haveli north of Mumbai to treat anodes from a new smelter at T...
Yantai copper refinery
Yantai Penghui Copper Industry Co., Ltd, previously named Yantai Nonferrous was established in 1973 with a smelting capacity of 10kt/a. Yantai Nonf...
Tamano copper smelter
The smelter was originally built on a greenfield site in 1972. In 1975 the lime scrubbing plant was installed to reduce the pollution from fugitive...
Samsun copper smelter
The plant is located at Samsun on the Black Sea coast approximately 320km northeast of Ankara. The smelter uses Outokumpu flash furnace and Peirce-...
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