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Metals costs reports
Hibbing iron ore mine
Hibbing is a surface mine located in Minnesota's Mesabi Iron Range, approximately 16 kilometres north of the namesake city. The operation is jointl...
Hitachi copper refinery
The refinery is located at Hitachi, Ibaraki prefecture and has good road and sea links. Smelting operations commenced at Hitachi in 1908 to treat m...
Jinchuan Guangxi copper refinery
The 400kt/a refinery was commissioned in 2013. The first batch of copper cathode was produced in January 2014. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are b...
Mufulira copper smelter
The Mufulira smelter was commissioned in 1937 with two green fed reverberatory furnaces and four Peirce-Smith converters. Blister copper was export...
Pirdop copper refinery
The refinery is located between Zlatica and Pirdop, and is near Srednogorie some 80km west of Sofia. It was constructed as a state owned operation ...
Shandong Xiangguang copper refinery
The refinery is located south of Shifo town in Yanggu County in Shandong province. The capacity of the plant is 595kt/a of anodes loaded (500kt/a c...
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