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Metals costs reports
Kidston (Closed) gold mine
The mine closed in July 2001, while rehabilitation continued until 2003/2004. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from the bottom up, incorpor...
Kiena (Restart) gold mine
Kiena Restart is located by the town of Val-d'Or, in Quebec, along the prospective Abitibi-Greenstone Belt. Mining in the past consisted of longhol...
Kiniero (Closed) gold mine
The mine was placed on care and maintenance in Q1 2014. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from the bottom up, incorporating a number of gran...
Kinsenda copper mine
Kinsenda is a high grade underground copper mining operation that produces copper concentrates in the Katanga Province of DRC near the Zambian bord...
Kinsevere copper minesite
Kinsevere is an open pit copper mining operation 35km northeast of Lumbumbashi in Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The followi...
Klen gold mine project
The Klen project is planned as an open pit operation utilising conventional mining methods. Mine life is estimated at 11 years. The process plant w...
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