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Metals costs reports
Valle de Huasco iron ore mine
Valle de Huasco is a mining complex owned by the Chilean steel producer Compañía de Acero del Pacífico (CAP) with operations close to the city of V...
Veles zinc smelter
The ISF smelter at Veles was commissioned in October 1973 with a capacity of 65kt/a ISF zinc and 35kt/a lead. In June 2003 the smelter was "tempora...
Xingan Boyuan zinc smelter
Xingan Bouyan, China - Zinc smelter with a capacity of 100kt/a slab zinc based on RLE technology. Commissioning is unclear, but is assumed during 2...
Yandan (Closed) gold mine
On May 12, 2000 the project was acquired from Ross Mining NL, following a takeover by Delta Gold. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from the...
Yandera gold mine project
Yandera is copper-gold mine project in the Madang province of Papua New Guinea. Potential development plans include an open pit mining operation wi...
Yarwun alumina refinery
Yarwun was Rio Tinto's first 100% owned and operated refinery. Production feeds the company's Bell Bay and Tiwai Point smelters, with the balance t...
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