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Metals costs reports
Selebi Phikwe Closed copper mine
After making losses for a number of years, the Botswanan government has finally decided that it would not continue to fund ongoing operations at BC...
Selene (Closed) gold mine
The mine closed in 2009. Mine development began in 1998 with first concentrate produced in 2003. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from the ...
Selwyn (Starra) (Closed) gold mine
The mine operated between 1988 and 2003. The surface infrastructure was subsequently acquired by Ivanhoe Australia and analysis has been incorporat...
Serrote (Arapiraca) copper mine project
The Serrote da Laje Project, formerly known as the Arapiraca Project, is located in the State of Alagoas, to the northwest of the city of Arapiraca...
Shaimerden (Electrolytic) zinc smelter
If constructed, the Shaimerden smelter would have processed oxide ore from the Shaimerden ore deposit in Kazakhstan. However, since 2006, the ore h...
Shanghai Xinye (closed) copper refinery
Shanghai Xinye Copper Co,. Ltd (previously known as the Shanghai Smelter) was established in 1953 from previous Shanghai Electricity Wire Plant, an...
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