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LNG Short-Term Analytics: Product Overview
Wood Mackenzie - LNG Short-Term Analytics Service helps you understand the near-term dynamics of the LNG market, to make informed strategic decisio...
LNG short-term webinar: February 2022
A period of high volatility in European gas has now culminated in an upward price surge (+30% in a single day), with Russia’s military action in Uk...
LNG short-term webinar: June 2022
Uncertainty over Russian supply is once again putting upward pressure on the European gas prices. Following Gazprom’s announcement regarding the No...
LNG short-term webinar: May 2022
Lack of cargo slots in NW Europe keeps pressure on on-water LNG prices. European gas prices continue to trend below $30/mmbtu as abundant piped gas...
LNG short-term webinar: October 2021
European gas balances continue to dictate global LNG spot prices. Falling coal prices and increased LNG deliveries into Northwest Europe allowed pr...
Lavaca Bay LNG Export
In September 2015, Excelerate announced that it would no longer be pursuing development of the Lavaca Bay floating LNG (FLNG) export project. Excel...
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