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Lavaca Bay LNG Export
In September 2015, Excelerate announced that it would no longer be pursuing development of the Lavaca Bay floating LNG (FLNG) export project. Excel...
Leviathan FLNG (Suspended)
Noble Energy and its partners discovered the giant Leviathan gas field in the Sinai-Levant basin, offshore Israel and Cyprus. The country is theref...
LNG contracting themes: The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had an enormous impact on long-term contracting
Long-term contracting is off to a fast start this year with more than 50 mmtpa signed including 23 mmtpa to end-market users. Chinese buyers have d...
Spot or Contract? Evolving LNG contracting strategies and their impact on the market
LNG Contract prices have fallen as the market grapples with the up coming over supply. However, rather than locking in more contracts, buyers are b...
Shandong - LNG regas terminal
The Shandong LNG regas terminal is located at Dongjiakou port in Qingdao, Shandong province. This project is Sinopec's first regas terminal and its...
Sabine Pass - LNG regas terminal
Update Status Cheniere announced that it would no longer be pursuing development of a regas project at Sabine Pass. Due to the growth in US gas pro...
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